Make an Impact

An Evergreen education transforms students' lives, during and long after their years with us.

Together, we work to create this unparalleled experience for our students and their families now and into the future.

Like nearly every other independent school, Evergreen cannot deliver this multifaceted education through tuition dollars alone. To help control tuition costs and keep our program as inclusive as possible, we ask for your financial support. By giving to Evergreen, you sustain and strengthen an ever-growing community of inquisitive, life-long learners who will grow up as dedicated citizens of our local and global communities.

We invite you to review the information on Annual Giving, the  Endowment and Matching Gifts. You can also support Evergreen and make new connections by offering your time and talents through the Parent/Guardian Association.

Your support helps keep us Evergreen. Thank you.

Ways to Give

The Evergreen Fund

The Evergreen Fund makes up 7% of our yearly operating budget. Your annual gift to The Evergreen Fund has an immediate impact on our students, sustaining the people and programs needed to deliver our innovative curriculum.

Give to the Evergreen Fund Give Stock to the evergreen fund

The Endowment

Endowment donors have the unique opportunity to watch their gifts create excellence today, with the assurance that their investment will benefit innumerable future students. We are grateful for your support of our students today and tomorrow.

Give to the Endowment

The Spring Benefit

Each spring, the Evergreen community comes together to celebrate our school and raise critical financial support for The Evergreen Fund. Every dollar raised has a profound impact on every student at Evergreen. This event is a way to connect with old friends, make new ones, and celebrate the work of the school! Learn more about the Spring Benefit. 

Want a close-up look at past benefits? Check out the live show recording from 2021 and the live auction recording from 2022's in-person event!

Office of Development

Kate Gorrissen
Kate Gorrissen
Director of Development
Emily Streutker
Emily Streutker
Development Manager
Erika Moore
Development Manager,
Special Projects

CARES Act Info for 2021

Deduction Available:

Up to $300 per taxpayer ($600 for a married couple) in annual charitable contributions. This is available only to people who take the standard deduction (i.e., for taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions). It is an “above the line” adjustment to income that will reduce a donor’s adjusted gross income (AGI), and thereby reduce taxable income.

To qualify, you would have to give a donation to a qualified charity. All contributions made since January 1 count toward the $300 cap. A donation to a donor-advised fund (DAF) does not qualify for this new deduction.

New Charitable Deduction Limits:

As part of the bill, individuals and corporations who itemize can deduct much greater amounts of their contributions. Individuals can elect to deduct donations up to 100% of their 2021 AGI (up from 60% previously). Corporations may deduct up to 25% of taxable income, up from the previous limit of 10%. The new deduction is for gifts that go to a public charity, such as The Evergreen School. The old deduction rules apply to gifts to private foundations. The new deduction is only for cash gifts that go to a public charity. If you give cash to, say, your private foundation, the old deduction rules apply. And while the organizations that manage DAFs are public charities, you do not get the higher deduction for donating cash to your DAF. These new limits do not apply to gifts of appreciated stock.

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.